The Phoenix Fitness deep tissue massage roller is the choice for athletes seeking fast relief from post-workout aches and pains. Users rely on it for myofascial release and Lactic Acid build up. Whether you're into pilates, cross fit, rugby, running, boxing, weight training, yoga, or another sport, this roller can boost performance during workouts and speed up recovery. It's lightweight and portable and travels nicely in a gym bag.
Helps to increase circulation to sore and tight muscles, providing relief from pain. Perfect for myofascial release, trigger point therapy and deep tissue massage throughout the body
The textured surface isolates specific muscle groups to give a deeper massage, increasing flexibility and range of motion. Ideal for reducing soreness and discomfort in your back, legs, neck, IT-Band and shoulders.
Regular use may help to facilitate post workout recovery, prevent injuries and assist greatly with injury rehabilitation.
Hollow, plastic core adds firmness for a more intense workout.
Lightweight compact designed to effectively work muscles throughout your body, yet it's still fairly light so you can easily carry it in your gym bag. Use your foam roller for Crossfit, HIIT, football, rugby, bodybuilding, boxing MMA, yoga, pilates classes or working out in the gym.